Hi everyone! I first want to say that I am SO SORRY I haven't posted in quite some time. Second, I want to let you know that I was on vacation! I was in the middle of no where and....it was amazing. I stayed in a wittle bitty cabin with my family and boyfriend in northern Wisconsin and fished, tanned, and ate a whole lot of food. I didn't care about what I was wearing or how my hair looked or if I had makeup on. It was stress free and that's how life should be.
I understand that we are all under a high amount of expectation from people we know and more importantly, ourselves. We stress out about how school is going, how we're doing at work, our families, our friends, and even...how we are dressing! Fashion stresses me out more than you would think, honestly. It is not mindless. Just because I love fashion and am good at it (I guess you could say that?) doesn't mean It comes as easy as eating does. I don't just go in my closet and go, "Oh! Yep, that's what I'm wearing today. Perfect." No way in hell. It takes me a while to put together an outfit. Yeah, some days are better than others. But I usually end up changing numerous times before walking out the door. Adding last minute accessories, making sure I feel comfortable, changing my shoes...(let's just say I always give myself at least 2 hours to get ready in the morning. I don't like to rush!)
I'm sure many of you also have this problem! Fashion is an art. It is not easy! So don't feel bad if you think that you are absolutely terrible at picking out outfits for yourself. Because...I do too some days! Nobody is terrible at fashion because everyone does fashion differently. There is no right or wrong to fashion, if you feel comfortable in your own skin...you can rock anything! BUT, there are things that are in fashion and things that are...clearly not (as you all know).
Today I am going to help you all with picking out cute, easy-going outfits that are no-fuss and 100% simple and fun to wear! ...especially for SUMMER! Because the sun is still beaming, thank goodness :)
Oh, and everyone's going to be looking at you like you are the biggest fashionista...when you really didn't try very hard to put the outfit together. This concept is just plain amazing.
Maxi dresses look good on everyone and they are completely rad right now. They are probably the easiest thing to put on....for real. It feels like you're wearing pajamas! Even though many of them are super casual, they create this 'evening dress' like appearance that exudes beauty. Basically all you have to do is throw on one piece of clothing and call it a day (Coolest thing ever?!?!?).
Seems like a hard concept, right?! But...it really isn't. All you have to do is get two colors that look good together (it's hard to go wrong on this though, because this style is SO in right now. Even color blocking green and red would probably look amazing on someone confident!) and purchase clothing items in those colors. So, for instance, I love cobalt blue and red together. Grab some cobalt blue skinny jeans and a plain red tee shirt and you are GOOD TO GO. Color blocking in the same color family is starting to become in style, too. AKA, a light pink tee shirt with a hot pink blazer...SO CHIC, so effortless, so stylish!
#3) Statement Accessories
First part of this trend is to throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a white tee-shirt. Easy enough? Yeah, I thought so! Now all you have to do is find a big beautiful necklace and a great watch. Watches are SO in style it is absolutely frickin' ridiculous. I've wanted a rose gold watch for AGES but am just too broke ("Help me I'm poor"). I have a black one, though, that I bought from Charming Charlie, this amazing accessories store that is undoubtedly overwhelming with jewelery, shoes, and even some clothing. My watch was $8 and I get compliments on it every time I wear it because it looks like I spent $200 on it (which is totally the shit). Backing up, for the necklace part of this outfit you can do one of two things, 1) pick out a big and gorgeous statement necklace or 2) stack a few different necklaces to get a statement necklace effect. I personally prefer number two, but number one is definitely easier for people who find it harder to put trendy outfits together! You can find great statement necklaces at all jewelery shops, but Forever 21 has some of the cheapest (and cutest!) ones. If I am going to do a statement necklace, I prefer to pick one with some color it in so it spruces up my outfit a little since it has such a plain, colorless base! When I am stacking multiple necklaces on top of each other to create a statement necklace of my own, I prefer to use necklaces with chains (because obviously chains are my favorite!....^^blog name?). I prefer gold chains of different lengths so that it creates a chunky yet delicate yet rock star feel. Ya know what I'm sayin'?!
Cowboy boots are so in and so cute and so easy to throw on! You can pair them with a dress, with jeans and a cute blouse, with leggings and a long tank, well...basically anything! They make any outfit look more fashionable than it already is. & you don't have to be from the country to wear cowboy boots. Just because I am from Wisconsin doesn't mean it's easier for me to wear them. Honey, I wear them in the Twin Cities and rock the hell out of them. They also make my legs look leaner...score.
Honestly, I've been trying to look for the perfect pair of polka dot tights FOREVER. I haven't found them yet...but I know that they are out there! It sounds kinda weird, but a good pair of tights can make any outfit look more stylish. Tights under shorts is absolutely amazing and they keep you warmer (and make your legs look skinnier!). They can make anyone look like a fashionista. But, beware; if you're going to go for a pair of patterned tights, stick with something that is in style and timeless, like polka dots or stripes. Other patterns, like plaid, are harder to pull off and can make an outfit look jumbled if you don't know how to put it together in the right way. If you're a tight-wearing beginner, stick with black.
I hope you all benefited from my tips above and I wish you the best of luck in your fashion endeavors!
Endless amounts of lace & love to my beautiful fashionistas!