Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lace, Love, and Laundry Detergent

This is my first blog and it's hard to admit that I really don't know where to begin.  
I've been sitting in the same spot on my couch for an hour, surrounded by five (super comfy, might I add) blankets, listening to Timeflies Tuesday, and just...thinking.  

Photo credit to my roommate and best friend forever, Sami Schrank

My name is Alex Krahling.  I am a 20 year old junior at the University of Minnesota and am currently living in St. Paul at an apartment that I really can't afford.  My life revolves around work, my boyfriend, my best friends, and fashion.  The purpose of this blog is to share my ideas with you so you can breathe them in and be able to breathe out a whole 'nother sense of art.  Every single person you know, see, or hear is dripping with knowledge about one thing or another.  
My thing is fashion.  

 Because I have to go to Target for laundry detergent so that I can actually wash my clothes to photograph for this blog, this post is just going to have to be short and sweet. 

But...there is fashion to come, I promise! 

Remember one thing, you can never have too much lace or love.



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