I'm all about finding a good deal. Yes, having expensive clothing in your closet can REALLY make a difference in many ways...BUT I'm a college student (and I'm sure many of you are, too!) and I just cannot afford to spend my money on $100 tees when my rent is $520 a month. I'm not going to lie, occasionally I'll make the decision to buy a few more dresses over going to the grocery store for food...but beauty is pain right?! Life is all about decisions. Decisions, decisions.
I am a buyer at the Buffalo Exchange in Uptown Minneapolis, the style center of the Twin Cities. Buffalo Exchange is a vintage and used clothing store for new and recycled fashion that gets sold at a manageable price point. Basically, clothing and accessories are bought and traded locally with customers. When I am buying, I have to pay close attention to the brand of the item, where it is sold, what it retails for, wear and tear, and the year it was made so that I can put a NEW price on the item (if I even take it) based on it's desirability so that it doesn't compete with the original retail price. So what I'm saying is that you can get AMAZING clothing items at a price that doesn't make your bank account cry. Cha-ching, greatest thing EVER. There is also a small variety of new items, but 80% of our merchandise is treasure from someone who thought it was trash. We have every brand you could ever think of: Forever 21, H&M, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Dolce Vita, Free People, Michael Michael Kors, Betsey Johnson, etc. Honestly, I'm amazed daily at what I see come in and out of the store. If you haven't heard of Buffalo Exchange before or want to see if there is one near you, you should totally check out the website!
Like I've already stated, adorable clothing at a reasonable price is good. Well, great actually. Let's get real, we all know that finding something cute is like, the best thing ever. But finding something cute and cheap or ON SALE?! JACKPOT! I'd say it's one of the biggest accomplishments ever (please don't think I'm weird).
When someone asks me what my personal style is, I always tell them that I like to find items that are inexpensive but look like they came out of a Vogue magazine. Sure, cheaper items break easier and don't last as long as the more expensive pieces...but it's okay because it just gives me an excuse to go shopping again. You feel me?
What easier way to find something supes cute and inexpensive than on a store's online website?! I'm a huge online shopper. Honestly the biggest fan of the drop down menu that lets me select Price from lowest-->highest. I'm the girl who goes through a website, fills my cart with everything I could ever want in life...and then...exits the webpage. It's virtual shopping at its finest.
Below are some key summer pieces that every chic girl should own. AND THEY ARE ALL CHEAP, YAY! Each item has a URL as well, because it's your turn to online shop ladies...(and not feel guilty about it).
Have some fun and remember,
You can never have too much lace or love.
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